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I'm a bit of a strange mix. Background in theatre, music, astrophysics and biology - I spent years looking for something that combined all of my varying interests and let me use them to create something new. As a character TD, I get to put the "guts" into characters that let them perform believably and, if done well, entertainingly.  It's a bit of an art form, a bit of a mad science, and a whole lot of fun when you get to see your creation finally come to life.


Although astrophysics, theatre, and biomechanics at first glance wouldn't seem to have much in common with animation, every bit of knowledge helps when building imaginary characters and imaginary worlds; even a virtual world is usually (at least loosely) based on real-world laws. And so one could say that even in the field of animation I still haven't left my love of science behind - it's still tremendously useful!


I'm currently studying at Brigham Young University and working as lead character rigger for the 2017 Senior Film TaiJitu, with the eventual goal of working at a feature-film studio as a character TD. 


Erik Hansen

TD and 3D Generalist

Tel: (224)828-0809             Email:

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